Follow this simple step-by-step guide to draw the face of Gautam Buddha. Each step has an illustration to help you understand and draw with ease.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Draw the Head
- Start by drawing a big oval shape in the middle of your paper. This will be the main part of Buddha head.
Step 2: Outline the Face
- Inside the oval, draw the outline of the face. Create a U-shape starting from the middle of the top and ending at the bottom sides of the oval.
Step 3: Erase the Guideline
- Remove the line that connects the two shapes.
Step 4: Draw the Hairline
- Next, draw the hairline. Start from the sides of the face and go up to the top. The hairline should curve slightly inward at the top.
Step 5: Add the Bun
- Now, draw a bun on the top of Buddha head. The bun should be a small, rounded shape at the very top of the hairline.
Step 6: Draw the Ears
- On each side of the face, draw Buddha ears. The ears should be long and slightly curved at the bottom.
Step 7: Add Details to the Hair
- Inside the hair area, draw small circles to represent the curls in Buddha hair. Cover the entire hair area, including the bun.
Step 8: Draw the Neck and Shoulders
- Below the face, draw two curved lines to form the neck. Add the shoulders by drawing two lines curving outward from the neck.
Step 9: Complete the Face
- Draw Buddha eyes by creating two curved lines that taper to a point. Then, draw a small, curved nose in the center of the face and Draw a small, curved line for the mouth below the nose. Then, add the eyebrows above the eyes, following the curve of the eyes.
Step 10: Color the Buddha
- Color the Buddha. You can use shiny gold, stone grey, brown, or even add a touch of green to make it look like it’s covered in moss.
Congratulations, You have now drawn the face of Gautam Buddha. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep drawing and improving your skills. I hope you like drawing with us Gautam Buddha Face.
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