How to draw “Swachh Bharat Mission” drawing step by step

Drawing the Swachh Bharat Mission logo can be fun and easy if you follow this step by step guide on how to “Swachh Bharat Mission” drawing. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Draw a Circle

  • Begin by drawing a neat circle in the center of your paper. This will be the main part of our Swachh Bharat Mission logo.

How to draw "Swachh Bharat Mission" drawing step by step

Step 2: Division of Drawing

  • Draw four straight lines outside the circle to divide the drawing into four parts.

Step 3: Draw Inner Circle and Waves

  • Inside the big circle, draw a smaller circle in the center.
  • Then, draw two curved lines horizontally across the smaller circle. These lines represent the waves.

Step 4: Draw the Ashoka Chakra

  • Inside the smaller circle, draw the Ashoka Chakra. Start by making a small circle in the center and then add lines radiating outwards to create the wheel with 24 spokes.

Step 5: Draw the Waste Cart

  • In the upper left section, draw a small cart filled with garbage. This cart symbolizes waste management, an important aspect of the Swachh Bharat Mission.

Step 6: Add the “USE ME” Text

  • On the top right quadrant, draw a trash can with the words “USE ME” written on it. This encourages people to throw garbage in the bin.
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Step 7: Draw the Swachh Bharat Glasses

  • On the bottom left quadrant, draw a pair of glasses. Write “स्वच्छ भारत” (Swachh Bharat) on the lenses, which means “Clean India” in Hindi.

Step 8: Draw the Broom and Bucket

  • On the bottom right quadrant, draw a broom and a bucket. This symbolizes the cleaning efforts.

Step 9: Color the Logo

  • Finally, color the logo. Use orange for the top half of the circle, white in the middle, and green at the bottom to represent the Indian flag. Color the Ashoka Chakra in blue.

How to draw "Swachh Bharat Mission" drawing step by step

Congratulations, You’ve successfully drawn the Swachh Bharat Mission. Remember, keeping our surroundings clean is essential for a healthy environment. Keep practicing and have fun drawing.

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